English -Español

Online bookings


  • What time is check in and check out?
    Check-in from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Check-out 12:00 p.m.
  • Can I leave the room late?
    By availability at a cost
  • Can I choose the type of bed in my room? (Large bed - two beds)
    By availability
  • Do the rooms have a balcony or terrace? Can I reserve one?
    Yes, by availability
  • Are there non-smoking rooms?
  • How many storeys does the building have? Is there a lift?
    3 floors with a lift (elevator)
  • Is there air conditioning in the rooms? Does it work all year round?
  • Is your hotel adapted for the handicapped?
  • Can you keep my luggage when I leave the room?
  • Is there a safe place to park my car? How much does it cost?
    Hotel car park 800 metres away from the hotel. Around 9 € per day
  • Does the hotel have an Internet or e-mail terminal for guests?
    PC with Internet connexion in the Bar.
  • Do you have high-speed internet in the room for my portable computer?
    Is it wireless?
  • Do you have a quiet, romantic room? How can I reserve it?
    By availability
  • What languages are spoken in Reception?
    Catalan, Spanish, English and French
  • Where may I rent a car?
    At reception
Hotel Delfín ****

Avd. Costa Brava, 2

17320 Tossa de Mar

Girona - SPAIN

Phone: +34 972 34 02 50

Fax: +34 972 34 11 03
